pistachio cheescake

Pistachio Cheesecake

From Nestlé® you will need

Nestlé® Pistachio Flavoured Topping Squeezy 450g

Where To Buy

From the kitchen you will need

  • For the base:
  • Pistachio 2 cups
  • Butter 3 tablespoons
  • Sugar 1 ¾ tablespoons
  • Orange Blossom Water 1 tablespoon
  • Cheese mixture:
  • Nestlé® Pistachio Squeezy condensed milk, room temperature 3/4 cup
  • Nestlé® Condensed Milk Tin, room temperature 1/4 cup
  • Cream Cheese 400-g
  • Gelatin 10-g
  • HOT water 1 cup
  • Orange Blossom 1 teaspoon
  • Crushed pistachio for garnish 50-g

Step by Step


  • In a food processor. grind the pistachios very finely (to a powder texture). Add orange blossom and butter and blend them well until well combined (paste texture). Add the sugar and mix well.


  • Press the pistachio mixture over the base of a 20-cm loose-bottom cake pan and refrigerate for 20 minutes.


  • Dissolve the gelatin in hot water and keep aside.


  • In a mixing bowl. Combine Nestle Squeezy Pistachio and Nestle Sweetened Condensed Milk with Cream Cheese. Make sure the cheese is at room temperature. so, it doesn't get lumpy while mixing. Add the orange blossom and gelatin mix with a whisk until smooth.


  • Pour the mix on top of the biscuit base and refrigerate for a minimum of 3 hours, our preferably overnight to get the best results garnish with crushed pistachio.

From Nestlé® you will need

Nestlé® Pistachio Flavoured Topping Squeezy 450g

Where To Buy

From the kitchen you will need

  • For the base:
  • Pistachio 2 cups
  • Butter 3 tablespoons
  • Sugar 1 ¾ tablespoons
  • Orange Blossom Water 1 tablespoon
  • Cheese mixture:
  • Nestlé® Pistachio Squeezy condensed milk, room temperature 3/4 cup
  • Nestlé® Condensed Milk Tin, room temperature 1/4 cup
  • Cream Cheese 400-g
  • Gelatin 10-g
  • HOT water 1 cup
  • Orange Blossom 1 teaspoon
  • Crushed pistachio for garnish 50-g

Step by Step


  • In a food processor. grind the pistachios very finely (to a powder texture). Add orange blossom and butter and blend them well until well combined (paste texture). Add the sugar and mix well.


  • Press the pistachio mixture over the base of a 20-cm loose-bottom cake pan and refrigerate for 20 minutes.


  • Dissolve the gelatin in hot water and keep aside.


  • In a mixing bowl. Combine Nestle Squeezy Pistachio and Nestle Sweetened Condensed Milk with Cream Cheese. Make sure the cheese is at room temperature. so, it doesn't get lumpy while mixing. Add the orange blossom and gelatin mix with a whisk until smooth.


  • Pour the mix on top of the biscuit base and refrigerate for a minimum of 3 hours, our preferably overnight to get the best results garnish with crushed pistachio.

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