Pistachio Tiramisu

Pistachio Tiramisu

From Nestlé® you will need

Nestlé® Sweetened Condensed Milk 90g

Nestlé® Pistachio Flavoured Topping Squeezy 450g

Where To Buy

From the kitchen you will need

  • Nestlé® Pistachio Squeezy condensed milk,room temperature 3/4 cup
  • Nestlé® Condensed Milk Tin,Room temperature 1/4 cup
  • Crushed Pistachio 100 g
  • Ladyfinger Biscuits 300-g
  • Cream Cheese 200-g
  • Nescafé® 2 tablespoons
  • Water 200 ml

Step by Step


  • In a large bowl, combine the cream cheese. Nestle Cream and Nestle Sweetened Condensed Milk. And Nestlé Pistachio Sweetened Condensed Milk Squeezy.


  • Whisk well add 50-g of crushed pistachio until soft and smooth.


  • Add the Nescafe to the water and stir until dissolved. Start dipping the lady fingers in the Nescafe® and lay them at the bottom of transparent serving cups or a large rectangular glass oven tray until the base is covered.


  • Top the biscuit layer with a generous layer of the cream mix. Repeat the layering once again, with each layer of lady fingers topped with another layer of the cream mix.


  • Sprinkle the rest of pistachio on top. Chill for 4 hours and serve cold.

From Nestlé® you will need

Nestlé® Sweetened Condensed Milk 90g

Nestlé® Pistachio Flavoured Topping Squeezy 450g

Where To Buy

From the kitchen you will need

  • Nestlé® Pistachio Squeezy condensed milk,room temperature 3/4 cup
  • Nestlé® Condensed Milk Tin,Room temperature 1/4 cup
  • Crushed Pistachio 100 g
  • Ladyfinger Biscuits 300-g
  • Cream Cheese 200-g
  • Nescafé® 2 tablespoons
  • Water 200 ml

Step by Step


  • In a large bowl, combine the cream cheese. Nestle Cream and Nestle Sweetened Condensed Milk. And Nestlé Pistachio Sweetened Condensed Milk Squeezy.


  • Whisk well add 50-g of crushed pistachio until soft and smooth.


  • Add the Nescafe to the water and stir until dissolved. Start dipping the lady fingers in the Nescafe® and lay them at the bottom of transparent serving cups or a large rectangular glass oven tray until the base is covered.


  • Top the biscuit layer with a generous layer of the cream mix. Repeat the layering once again, with each layer of lady fingers topped with another layer of the cream mix.


  • Sprinkle the rest of pistachio on top. Chill for 4 hours and serve cold.

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